目前 palera1n 适用于 iOS 15.0-16.5 上的 checkm8 设备 (A8-A11), 我手上这台是iPhone 8 Plus
, CPU 是A11
, OS 是 15.0.2
刚好满足, 不过由于 iOS 15 之后引入的 Signed System Volume (SSV) 安全措施, 无论是基于 checkm8 的 palera1n 还是基于 Fugu 系列的 Dopamine 都不再挂载 rootfs , 叫 rootless 模式
在 palera1n releases 页面下载 palera1n-macos-x86_64
, 后在终端执行
chmod +x ./palera1n-macos-x86_64
过程如下, 注意要先按 音量减键
+ 电源键
, 然后看提示只放开电源键
➜ Downloads ./palera1n-macos-x86_64
# == palera1n-c ==
# Made by: Nick Chan, Ploosh, Samara, Nebula, staturnz, kok3shidoll
# Thanks to: pythonplayer123, llsc12, Mineek, tihmstar, nikias
# (libimobiledevice), checkra1n team (Siguza, axi0mx, littlelailo
# et al.), Procursus Team (Hayden Seay, Cameron Katri, Keto
- [07/05/23 12:51:14] <Info>: Waiting for devices
- [07/05/23 12:51:14] <Info>: Telling device with udid e7daef1c6385943f3b17664008b45134a636aa0e to enter recovery mode immediately
- [07/05/23 12:51:26] <Info>: Press Enter when ready for DFU mode
Get ready (0)
Hold volume down + side button (0)
Hold volume down button (3)
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Info>: Device entered DFU mode successfully
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Info>: About to execute checkra1n
# Checkra1n 0.1337.1
# Proudly written in nano
# (c) 2019-2023 Kim Jong Cracks
#======== Made by =======
# argp, axi0mx, danyl931, jaywalker, kirb, littlelailo, nitoTV
# never_released, nullpixel, pimskeks, qwertyoruiop, sbingner, siguza
#======== Thanks to =======
# haifisch, jndok, jonseals, xerub, lilstevie, psychotea, sferrini
# Cellebrite (ih8sn0w, cjori, ronyrus et al.)
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Verbose>: Starting thread for Apple TV 4K Advanced board
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Info>: Waiting for DFU mode devices
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Verbose>: DFU mode device found
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Info>: Checking if device is ready
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Verbose>: Attempting to perform checkm8 on 8015 11
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Info>: Setting up the exploit
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Verbose>: == checkm8 setup stage ==
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Verbose>: Entered initial checkm8 state after 1 steps
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Verbose>: Stalled input endpoint after 8 steps
- [07/05/23 12:51:48] <Verbose>: DFU mode device disconnected
- [07/05/23 12:51:49] <Verbose>: DFU mode device found
- [07/05/23 12:51:49] <Verbose>: == checkm8 trigger stage ==
- [07/05/23 12:51:53] <Info>: Checkmate!
- [07/05/23 12:51:53] <Verbose>: Device should now reconnect in download mode
- [07/05/23 12:51:53] <Verbose>: DFU mode device disconnected
- [07/05/23 12:52:01] <Info>: Entered download mode
- [07/05/23 12:52:01] <Verbose>: Download mode device found
- [07/05/23 12:52:01] <Info>: Booting PongoOS...
- [07/05/23 12:52:03] <Info>: Found PongoOS USB Device
- [07/05/23 12:52:03] <Info>: Booting Kernel...
安装 Sileo
进入系统后会看到 palera1n
的应用, 首次会提示设置mobile
用户的密码, 后面可以连 ssh 用, 打开后安装 Sileo
软件商店工具, 添加
- appinst
- AppSync Unified
- xz-utils
通过 usb 连接 ssh
alias usbproxy='nohup iproxy 2222 22 > /dev/null 2>&1 &'
账号连接手机 ssh
ssh -p 2222 mobile@localhost
改 root 密码 (旧密码: alpine)
sudo passwd root
设置 zshrc
alias usbproxy='nohup iproxy 2222 22 > /dev/null 2>&1 &'
alias usbssh='ssh -p 2222 root@localhost'
安装 frida
在 sileo 中添加源
安装即可, 如果失效可以用下面的方式
手动安装并运行 frida
目前 frida 还没有适配 rootless 模式, 不能通过软件源安装, 只能手动安装, 从 frida releases 下载 frida_xx.x.x_iphoneos-arm.deb
使用 ar -x frida_xx.x.x_iphoneos-arm.deb
解压出 data.tar.xz
, 将data.tar.xz
scp -P 2222 data.tar.xz root@
mkdir frida
tar -xf data.tar.xz -C frida/
CRYPTEX_MOUNT_PATH=/tmp/frida /tmp/frida/usr/sbin/frida-server
最后在本机使用 frida-ps -U
测试没问题将 frida
目录移动到 /var/jb/var/root/
CRYPTEX_MOUNT_PATH=/var/jb/var/root/frida /var/jb/var/root/frida/usr/sbin/frida-server > /dev/null 2>&1 &